Name: Hellion
Position: Ground
Purpose: Anti Infantry/Garrisoned building clearance.
Description: Flame tank that adds damage over time to its enemies when they are alight, especially good against infantry, this unit can be upgraded o fire long range flame shells that explode on arrival with ground that can clear out buildings and groups of infantry before they can attack.
Idea by daeas= lster developed by Ekklitz
Name: Deceptor (Popular)
Position: ground
Purpose: Attack/ Ambush
Description: Light Armoured tank, has no turret, instead has a rotating pod which shots out highly damaging and explosive Dragon 3 missiles.
Shoots out a lengthy barrage at a time, and then is rendered useless.
Good for lying in ambush, when enemy vehicles come your way they unleash their load, each targeting different enemies. Shoots like a Catherine’s Wheel Firework.
Daeas- Later Developed by Ekklitz
Name: Goose (popular)
Position: Air/Ground
Job: Ground Taking/ Raiding
Description: This mech is no one trick pony; within seconds it can transform itself into an aircraft which has a heavy anti infantry/light vehicle machine gun. When it lands it walks like a mech and fires shells like a tank. Unfortunately its weak armour and expensive price is its downside. But if you can fly it behind your enemy’s army and attack them from behind it can hurt.
Toggling from aircraft to mech is done on the command bar.
Initial Tank Idea by zeldafreakneo, developed and turned into mech by Ekklitz
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