Name: Incendiary (popular)
Position: Ground
Job: Anti Formation
Description:: This powerful infantry unit can cause terror to formations, they will split up, and lots of them will die from the flames, this will make them easier to be mopped up later on.
Deadly in groups.
Idea by daeas, Developed by Ekklitz
Name: Vindicator
Position: Ground
Job: Siege/ Assault
Once deployed, this vehicle launches advanced missiles that can be equipped with different weapons The player can select either:
Shockwave – Once the missile hits the target, it drills into the ground and releases a localized shockwave, causing the ground to shake violently. This does considerable damage to mechs, buildings, and large units.
Tiberium Gas – Once the missile hits the target, it releases a toxic cloud of concentrated Tiberium gas. Nearby infantry are killed or mutated almost instantly, light vehicles in the immediate area suffer medium damage. If a gas-equipped missile hits an enemy structure, gas is released both outside and inside the building. The occupants are killed instantly and the structure turns neutral. Clouds linger in the air for a period of time.
Napalm – O nce the missile hits the target, it explodes in a large fireball, covering nearby units and structures with napalm. Infantry caught in the flames are killed instantly and the napalm continues to burn for a period of time.
Idea By FuzzFopp